the pioneer project
Student Testimonials

Here's what students have to say about their experiences at The Pioneer Project.

...Just being around people that care was such a big part.
It’s very welcoming and warm feeling. It feels like a big family.
There was always something new and it was very exciting and I got my adventure and I got to meet all these cool people…and see viewpoints I had never seen before.
I felt like I became more and more the person I wanted to be…I felt more real from this experience.
When I came to this area it had everything I wanted...It’s so diverse and has so much to offer. I guess what I really like about it is it’s an excellent place to make yourself and find yourself and be yourself.
The Pioneer Project had a really big impact on my life. It’s kind of like the climax of everything from high school and that step into adulthood.

It inspired me to do things I never thought I could do before. It inspired me to push boundaries, especially physical ones. I never thought I could climb mountains or hike trails or go canoeing…It inspired me to go places that I had never gone before and consider completely different fields of work and just to try everything…It was great.
I’ve become a more independent thinker and am better at making decisions on my own and going for things that I’m passionate about.
(I learned that) I can. I can accomplish what I really set my mind to. That’s one of the major things that I’ve learned here...If I set my mind to something I can succeed at it. And even if I don’t, it’s OK because there are people here that are very supportive and will support you if you succeed or fail.
I’ve learned that in order for me to grow I need to step outside my comfort zone and into the unknown.
Do it! Go for it! At least try it because it’s an amazing experience and you’ll learn about yourself and the community…It’ll change you in a positive way.
It’s really given me reassurance that I can be whoever I want to be. I don’t know what exactly I want to do and what exactly I don’t want to do, but anything I choose, as long as I’m happy, then that’s OK. I didn’t really think that way before. I kind of got sucked into the whole American Dream thing – where you have to be rich and famous. That doesn’t seem like me now, because it’s not.